The multimedia products described on this page are natural extensions of our company's competencies and technology. Whilst not a core business line, we do make these products available to existing clients. In most cases we will already have a very good working knowledge of a client's business interests and will most likely, already have created usable content and material suitable to execute a high quality finished product.
We have a broad and significant background in adult education through our aviation history. With over twelve years of highly successful hands-on experience in pilot and flight instructor training, we're experts when it comes to designing and presenting practical, complex course material — both theory and practical.
Due to the development of XML modularised data, along with vector graphic formats, it is contemporary practice to reuse the same content in e-Learning products as is used in other technical documentation products. The chances are that if we've already done work for you, you'll already have a solid data base of content to develop any e-Learning products required. E-learning courseware has now become a sort of automatic by-product of IETM development. Naturally we're ready to carry out this work for you including complex 3D virtual reality training simulation.
Creating high quality audio-visual presentations is another by-product of our core business activities. Like e-Learning, the chances are that if you're an existing client, we'll already have a solid working knowledge of your business products and services and you'll already hold a good deal of usable content for inclusion. Again, a good proportion of the material for creating a presentation automatically comes with IETM production. The material we create is multifunctional and reusable.