Technical writing
We author, edit and publish high quality technical writing. We write traditional technical documentation where the objective is to communicate specific information to an identified user for the completion of specialised or critical tasks. We focus on simplicity of expression transforming complex into simple. We write clearly, concisely and completely. We write in active voice for all troubleshooting, maintenance, repair procedures and equipment specifications. Passive voice is used in overview and general information texts.
Core services
- Review and analyse existing documentation - structure and content
- Analyse and define expected user task performance outcomes
- Write instruction and assembly manuals
- Write general information manuals - description and theory of operation
- Write operations, procedures and limitations manuals
- Write regular service/overhaul schedules and maintenance plans
- Write troubleshooting manuals - symptoms and fault isolation procedures
- Write field maintenance manuals - remove, disassemble, inspect, repair, assemble and install
- Write depot and deeper maintenance procedures
- Write illustrated parts & special tools, breakdowns, catalogues and lists
- Write supplementary information
Peripheral services
- Write standard operating procedures
- Write e-Learning, training and support material
- Write White Paper and promotional support material
- Consult on any and all matters pertaining to any of the above